
仕事にもなれてきた。緊張感がなくなってからが勝負。まだ論文を書くのはきついな。 google driveのフォームに仕事・勉強内容のログをつけている。こっちに書く事はないなあ。

今日で最後。特に何もせず。 最悪の日々の終わりにも若干の寂寥感。明日から始まるのはどんな生活か。

書類送った。他は特になし。ずっと眠いわ。 論文読みなおさないとだ。申請書も。あとは統計とか英語とかはじめないと。


朝起きてジュンクへ。そのあとimitation gameみて、イオンで服かった。それだけなのに7時間。 酒飲みながらちょっとお菓子食って、晩飯作って食べた。 俺なにやってんだろ。



日曜日。朝から水族館へ。子供いっぱい。菓子パンくった。生姜焼きも。あとラーメン。食いすぎ。 applicationを書かねば。論文も。はあ。



Nothing to do. bought my clothes. cooked curry. only that. need to read papers, write applications, plan experiments.

do my washing, search about drugs for kinase inhibition, shopping, and curry cooking. それだけ。

Finished my sister's marriage. came back to my home.

Get many many stuffs from amazon. Almost completed getting ready for cooking. But a little bit more thing to be needed. Bought bicycle in the morning. So long way to homecenter... tired...

Finally completed moving! Networking environment has come back. Using internet on iPhone is a little bit bothering. And more, need to buy a bicycle, TV and a rice cooker. Wanna start cooking ASAP!



At morning ate soba again. transfer money to minimini. Made appointment with TCN and collection with unwanted articles. Have nothing to do. Wanna read papers and train programming.

Woke up late. clean up my room and went to cafe. Read a paper about optogenetics in half an hour? very concentrated, good time. after that ate soba. nice taste. came back home and made baggages, almost completed. Tomorrow I should contact …

Optogenetics: Novel Tools for Controlling Mammalian Cell Functions with Light


Woke up late, did nothing, ate bento, and fall to sleep. Among them, read matlab book a little bit and half of the paper about optogenetics. Need to complete making baggages and call to TCN and tell about AU paying.

From yesterday to this morning, made presentation slides for skype meeting. from 11am, skype meeting with professor for 1hr. Discussed about BDNF, Wnt signaling, and optogenetics. I cant handle skype functions. How do I share the desktop? …

woke up late. go to cash dispenser, bought rooter, can't buy washing machine, update passbooke. set up rooter and networking environment. working good feeling well. ate lunch. from now on, have to write presentation poster and read a paper.

Today moving to tokyo by the bullet train. takes over 4hrs. a little bit tired. And after arriving mansion, threw garbages away. Next need to read papers and prepare for the discussion. Tomorrow want to buy a washing machine and rooter, an…

Today is the last day here. so long time of enduring silence and emptiness. Before noon, bought packing-tape and copy the certificate of passing at convinience store. afternoon, made baggages and complete preparing for the moving. tomorrow…

last time to the hospital. thank you very much for K-sensei ! at night prepared for the discussion with making power point slide. taking too much time mybe cause I'm not so good tension.

passed the entrance exam. knew the result at noon. started to prepare for the moving. making baggages. need to clean my room. Also need to learn matlab, statistics, microscope, English. and write an application form.

start to write in english. there's no reason. did nothing today. boring. need to read papers, write an application for research project.

朝起きてコーヒーをたくさん飲む。苦い苦い。計画書の骨組みを作った。ドラフトも作った。二週目をざっとやった。まだまだ。明日、総説とつちやのPDのを見て、さらに直す。 inputもやらないと。論文・統計・英語・プログラム・顕微鏡。

昨日遅かったので朝だらだらしようと思ったけど、ぼちぼちで覚醒してKCC2をまとめる。その後optoSeizureを読もうにもありゃあダメ論文だ。 明日は計画書のブラストをまとめ上げる。前の自分のやつ読んで、次に総説読みながらfigureまとめと合わせて流れを作…

Mechanism of Activity-Dependent Downregulation of the Neuron-Specific K-Cl Cotransporter KCC2

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15140939 Abstract 活動依存的にKCC2はdownregulationされる。この現象はCa-dependentである。またHippoの中でも部位特異的である。pCREBの上昇とKCC2-downregulationは逆相関している。この現象はBDNF-dependentでTrkB…